Saturday June 5th, Harvard Milk Days BOB.
Well where should I
start? I was really excited to play this show. I was just a tad nervous but who isn't a little before they
go on? Once I got the kit on stage and played a little I was ready and waiting to go.
Ouch my Anal- Well, Ouch
always seems to be a fan favorite. I like playing it. Like pretty much all of our songs its a pretty
simple to play, but i like it that way because I can really get into to the song rather than worrying about messing up.
I think Ouch sounded good and the crowd seemed pleased.
I Fought the Dragon-
Back when it was just me and knockers used to play this song by ourselves I wasn't the biggest fan of this
song, but I think that 2 bags really makes this song work with his messed up bass playing. The song
sounded good with practically no mistakes.
Rising Water- This
was the song I was worrying about before the show. I really think we played this song awesome and I think
the crowed liked it. Jeff Rechten seemed to approve and thats all I wanted.
Last Night
(the Strokes)- Well this song was alright, its rather boring to play but it was fun. Not as many people knew the
song as I would have liked, but I did see some people singing along, even if 2 Bags sang the same verse 3 times.
I didn't even notice until he told me. HA.
This song was great, I wasn't sure if the crowd would start clapping with me but they did. It quite possibly could have
been the most powerful moment of my life. The crowd was litterally in the palm of my hand, I could have told them to
lick the person next to them and they all would have. HA actually it was just really fun playing this song and thats
all i have to say. The crowd did clap though so it was cool.