Tom's Gig Discussion

This page is what Knockers Thought of past gigs.

It was a sweet night all in all.
I have never got that much into the music Mid-dragon I was like "Whoa, I am really into it today!"
OUCH - Awesome, some weirdo's were dancing down the middle, and people were singing along it was sweet.
Dragon - Although it isn't my favorite piece I still loved playing it that night. I don't know why. Also I want to clearify something to anyone who asks this song isn't about Sex or Drugs. OK.
Rising Water - This was the songs debut and it went well, but I , with out fail, screw up sometime in the song. This time was no exception. But the guitar can't be heard so it doesn't really matter.
Also because I don't do much in this song I have alot of time to think, and the strangest thing happend to me. There I was in the middle of a verse and out of no where a song began piecing itself together in my head...unfortunatly that song was "Locamotive Breath" by Jethro Tull so no luck there.
Strokes - Well, the show was on saturday and we started learning this song on wednesday. So we have only played it for 4 days. I don't know why but every time we play a cover I don't want to hear that song for a long time.  The never ending search for a cover i enjoy continues.
Patchuoli - "What the Hell!?!?" was what I expected from the part of the song I affectionitly refer to as the melting sequence, but when people started clapping I was suprised. Patchuoli is not a reference to pot, it is a oil scent. I wore it instead of showering for a month last summer and that is what the song is about.
Undoubtingly the best RRSH show yet and the crowd msut have agreed because we won.   

Ronald Reagan Super Highway
Still the only road to Mars

23 North with LBT, The Snaggs, and Spinderson.
Overall I would say our first show was much better than this show. Our Drummer (Bung) was off galibanting in Byron while 2-bags and I were at the show. Blaine-O was awesome for filling in for Bung in such short notice.
Ouch-Went pretty well,actually,for Blaine-O never playing it before.
Chase-Meh nothing special at all and for some reason I started thinking about food in the middle of it while playing which screwed me up a tid-bit.
Dragon - Once again for Blaine-O never playing it before it was still awesome.
BUT... we were playing to an empty room. This fact upset me to say the least. I hope we can get another show there where we can play a full set rather that 3 measly songs.

March 12 - HHS Variety Show

Being our first show and all I thought it went very well.
Ouch(my anal)  went great the crowd seemed to really enjoy it. Especially when Johnny 2 Bags did the bass riff during the Intro and Midtros.
Also by the end of the song some members of the crowd were singing along which was pretty cool.
Chase the sun didn't get near as big of reaction as we did with Ouch, which we expected, but after the show some people said they thought that it was our best song. 
(I fought the) Dragon went almost flawlessly which we didn't expect because in practice we always screw up during the transition from the solo to the choras. This song also got the crowd going.
One Way or an Other although we did a good job playing it, I never felt it, I couldn't get into it. After the show Bung and I agreed not to play that song again, unless we had alot of time to fill.